While you may not realize it, pet homelessness is one of the biggest problems across the country. Every year, millions of healthy animals are euthanized because there aren’t enough homes. You need to do your part as a pet owner by choosing to spay or neuter your furry friend. The idea of your four-legged companion getting surgery may seem overwhelming, but there are many advantages to spaying or neutering your animal.
Medical Benefits
Spaying can prevent uterine infections and decrease the risk of developing breast tumors developing. In male dogs and cats, neutering can help to prevent testicular cancer of reduce the chances of prostate problems.
Behavioral Benefits
During the heat cycle, female animals tend to become more vocal and tend to urinate more frequently. In some cases, they may even urinate in the house in hopes of attracting a mate. In order to prevent these behaviors, it’s important to spay your pet before their first heat cycle.
During the breeding season, male dogs will do anything to find a mate. In some instances, they may escape, which puts them at risk of being injured in traffic and fighting with other animals. Unneutered animals also tend to mark their territory by spraying. This can leave your house smelling like urine. Neutering your pet is vital to preventing the occurrence of these behaviors.
When to Spay or Neuter
Generally, dogs can be spayed or neutered anywhere from 6 to 9 months old. Healthy puppies can be neutered as young as 8 weeks old. Although adult dogs can be neutered, they are at a higher risk for complications.
In most cases, kittens can be spayed or neutered as early as 8 weeks old. If done early enough, it can prevent them from spraying, as well as reduce the risk of pregnancy.
Choosing to spay or neuter your animal is a big decision, which is why Knickerbocker Road Animal Hospital is here to help keep your pet happy and healthy. Whether you have additional questions, or you’re looking to schedule the procedure, contact our animal hospital in San Angelo, TX to learn more. We look forward to providing reliable veterinary care for your four-legged friend!